Customer Service

At Long’s we pride ourselves on our level of “Customer Service”.  This company is our life, and the customers are the blood that keeps us going.  We do everything that we can to treat you with the utmost respect and compassion.  We understand that automotive repair can be stressful.  Not just the financial part, but also being without your vehicle for any length of time.  Life can get busy and complicated, throw in a broken down vehicle and it can send you blood pressure through the roof.  This is why we do our best to help you maintain your vehicle, so these “break downs” don’t happen.  We try and have you car for the shortest period possible.  If need be we do have a loaner car.  We also provide a great waiting area, beverage station, child’s play area and a shuttle service.  We strive to be the best automotive repair facility in the area.

Good to be Trusted