So as a business owner are you active on your community’s Facebook page? If not you should be. I joined our neighborhoods Facebook page a while ago, and I am so glad I did. If I hadn’t been a member I never would have seen the post below. We wouldn’t have known about her situation, and we wouldn’t have been able to help her. As it turned out this simple cry for help, touched our whole community. The responses were amazing. Through giving back to our community, we have seen our business grow and flourish. Doing the right thing…helping those in need, being active in your community will come back to you two fold. I know, I have seen it happen with my own eyes.
The following post was posted on our neighborhoods Facebook page. I hope you take the time to read it. I have told Julie, how proud I am of her to have the courage to ask for help, especially on social media, where people can sometimes be mean. Her asking for help, and us being able to help her touched so many people…it really brought people together, made us stronger.
So huge ask. I asked on my group but really unsure if it is going to happen. I am a single mom on a very small budget as my youngest son has cystic fibrosis so I don’t work as he gets sick often and I don’t have any help to care for him. My van broke down on the side of the road and have no idea what is wrong with it. I have no clue how I will afford to get it fixed but right now just trying to get it towed to the shop. Does anyone have roadside assistance that could maybe help me get it towed? or even come look at my car? Thankyou and Merry Christmas